Can someone tell me how to make a debug build of the Mushroomstew game?
I downloaded the archive here:
When I try to make a debug build, it complains about missing orxd.lib.
When I build orx from source and try to use the resulting orxd.lib to build the Mushroomstew debug, there are errors about unresolved externals.
EDIT: Sorry, I should've mentioned Windows platform, MSVC2010
Unfortunately that won't be that easy! Mushroom Stew is almost 2 years old and orx/Scroll evolved quite a lot since.
One option would be to sync orx's SVN to an a version of the same period (~january 2010) and compile it.
I'll try to have a look and to adapt Mushroom Stew for a recent version of orx if you're interested. But I won't be able to do that before a good week as I won't have much access to my computer till then.
I will try to build an old version from svn and link against that.
I'll probably host Scroll on for those who want to get a recent (and regularly updated) version.
I am new to gamedev and still fairly new to C++ programming in general, and I have worked sporadically on a Windows/Linux tile engine for about a year now ( This project has support for maps created using the Tiled Map Editor (
I would very much like to use the Orx engine for the mobile game my creative partner and I have designed. So after looking at the Orx map editor source code, I can decide whether to use it or to implement a way to export Tiled maps to Orx config format
As for the map editor I know that some people were using it with orx and simply converted its output to a config-friendly format they could then load into their game. I don't have any code for that myself though, but I'm sure it shouldn't be too much of a trouble to write such a converter.
Also Scroll is not exactly tile-oriented, it can do tile-mapping but it was created to be more of a freeform editor, like Aquaria's one (
I'll try again next week end...
But if you want to try it in its current state, you can find it here.
I've only added pre-compiled files for msvs2008 but you should be able to compile it for any platform using the latest version of orx from svn.
Beside the bullet bug (animation related I think), please note that this game was written for a TIGSource compo 2 years ago, in about 20-25 hours so there are a couple of things to keep in mind:
- orx and scroll both have evolved quite a lot since then and MS could benefit of some new features to be written more efficiently
- assets were defined for the compo and we could pick among all what was created by the artists in the first part of the compo but couldn't alter any resource: that means that I had to adapt the code to handle some of those constraints and the end result isn't as effective as it'd be if the assets were made especially for that game
- due to the short development time, I sometimes took some shortcuts that are not the best design choice
- I suck at game & level design, so the end product isn't that good but that was still fun to make (especially playing with shaders
If you have any questions, don't hesitate!
It's good to see actual Orx game code in action. The tutorials in the Wiki are great, but a lot of the examples are trivial so it's good to see how someone might actually build a game by studying a longer example.
I'll try to fix the remaining bugs soon-ish in order to have something clean for people to play with.