Hi again, have been looking here and there but I can't figure out how to achieve this (which I am sure should be trivial):
I have an object with a physics body configured. I want it to not start simulating until it's triggered by an event in my code.
Is there a way to configure it to have its physics disabled from the start, and then enable physics on it later? Or is there a way to attach a physics body programmatically, when I want it to start simulating?
Hope this makes sense - I'm sure I'm missing something obvious...
Unfortunately you can't simply enable/disable a body as Box2D doesn't allow me to do that.
However you can delete/create a body or even simply create/delete body parts at runtime (if you simply want to suppress collisions, for example).
Or if it's only collision effects you want to suppress, you can call orxBody_SetPartSolid() and turn all your parts non-solid (collision events will still be sent but won't affect the dynamics of your object).
For finding/removing/adding parts, have a look at orxBody_GetNextPart/_GetPartName/_DeletePart/_AddPartFromConfig.
Now if you really want to completely remove the body of your object, I'd suggest not creating it in config but still storing its name in a different config key (something like FuturBody = ...).
Then when you want to add your body, here's the code needed:
But in this case note that, as you've created the body yourself, orx will not be responsible of deleting it: you'll have to delete it yourself.
For example, if you listen to the event orxOBJECT_EVENT_DELETE, when handling it do:
An alternative option if you don't want to do the creation/deletion of the body yourself would be to replace your object when you need a body: ie. delete it, replace it with a version that has a body, but in that case you need either to know its state or copy its info before re-applying them to the new object (like position, rotation, anim frame, etc).
You can even do that with some config manipulation at runtime, something like having the FutureBody section as mentioned above when creating the first version of the object, and do that when creating the new version of the object:
I'll experiment a bit with this and let you know how it goes.
There is also mouse joints, group index that I could not find in orx right now. I think as iarwain said in other post, orx is currently using a modified version and an older version of box2d than current box2d release. So updating the physics engine would solve this kind of problems.
As for per-body deactivation, it's now handled in orx (more details here).
Mouse joint is the only type of joint that is not supported as it's easy to get the same result with a couple lines of code (and Box2D's author acknowledges that this joint is a convenience hack).
And finally, group indices don't exist in orx either. I can't really think of a situation where they'd be really needed in addition to the traditional flags/masks used by most of the physics engine.
I also plan to soon add something to make physics flags/masks a tad bit more user friendly: https://bitbucket.org/orx/orx/issue/13/add-support-for-literal-collision-types-as
I see that you removed bullet and sleep parameters from your post, so I guess you found their equivalent in orx!
As I also know, group indices is not that helpful as it can be used for only two types of objects.
Now, that would be very cool to use literal mask type, normally we can define enum of category bits in C, so if thats can be done from config, it will be really helpful.
Yeah, I have found bullet and sleep parameters as HighSpeed and AllowSleep. And, thanks for the reply.
If you want to keep the visual active but not the physics, I'd recommend separating your object in two sub-objects: a parent with the body and a child with the visual.
Or, if you don't plan on reactivating the body, you can simply remove it by calling orxObject_UnlinkStructure(orxSTRUCTURE_ID_BODY).
Along with the collision type literals, there'll be functions that'll translate a literal to a value and reciprocally.
Edit: I have found the post that explains what timelines can do, so forget my last question. All questions answered I think.
In a timeline track, you can delay commands easily from config.
For example, consider this track:
It'll deactivate the object 2 seconds after the track has been added to it and then will re-activate it 5 seconds after the start.
You can have looping timeline track or you can even add tracks from a track, easily looping through a hierarchy of objects, for example.
Lastly, for debugging/tweaking purposes, you can execute commands at runtime by opening the console and typing commands there.
For example, 'Config.SetValue Render ShowProfiler true' will activate the rendering of the profiler.
I'm currently working on an iPad game where all the sounds, FXs, musics and menus are handled almost entirely with timeline tracks.
It's very flexible as it allows my designer teammate to create all the menus and tweak them all by himself without requiring any code change from me. I like that.
Basically, I have a single function for handling all the UI: it simply polls which object is under the mouse, and depending on the current input state, I check if that object has one of the following config property: OnEnterTrack, OnLeaveTrack, OnClickTrack and OnReleaseTrack. If so, I simply add the right track at the right moment on that object, and those track will pause the game, create a menu, do all the fades, etc.
In order to interact with other objects from within the tracks, some special objects register themselves to a given config section I call RunTime.
For example, when the game scene is created (ie the parent/owner of all the gameplay objects), it runs this track upon creation:
And whenever another track needs to interact with the scene, it can find it by executing a similar track to this one:
You can customize tracks from the code, but keep in mind that a track that is currently referenced somewhere won't be reloaded from config, instead the loaded instance will be used. Exactly in the same way FXs or sounds work.
Yep, a tutorial for commands, timelines and console would be great. That and some info on the wiki. Though I don't know when I'll find the time to do it myself.
I'd rather focus on the open issues at the moment: https://bitbucket.org/orx/orx/issues?status=new&status=open
And those issues look really promising.