Fade in effect on a viewport?

edited September 2012 in Help request
Is it possible to make a viewport fade in or out when it is created? If so, can it even be done to the main viewport? Just curious. Thanks!


  • edited September 2012
    Not directly, but for that all you have to do is create an object just in front of the camera that will do your fade. Something like:
    In config:
    ParentCamera = <MyCamera>
    Color        = (0, 0, 0)
    Scale        = 1
    Position     = (0, 0, 0.001)
    LifeTime     = 2
    Graphic      = @
    Texture      = pixel
    Pivot        = center
    FXList       = @
    SlotList     = @
    Type         = alpha
    Curve        = smooth
    Absolute     = true
    StartTime    = 0
    EndTime      = @FadeInObject.LifeTime
    StartValue   = 1
    EndValue     = 0
    In code:
  • edited September 2012
    That's what I thought. Thanks!
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