I'm trying to create a static physics box with a particular rotation. Am I correct in assuming this is the proper way?:
Type = box
blah blah
PartList = BodyPart
blah blah
Body = Body
Rotation = 45
Is it okay to use an ORXObject that is nothing more than a way to define the rotation / position / scaling of a physics box, but without any graphics attached?
Be bigger picture:
I'm using Inkscape to create levels, and a python script to split svg files into an ORX .ini file with physics info, and a .png for the graphics. I've gotten everything working (svg parsing and whatnot), but I just need to generate the .ini file. Didn't see a Rotation for orxBody, figured it had to be associated with an object.
orxOBJECTs are multi-purpose containers and do no need to have an orxGRAPHIC linked to them.
By default, an orxOBJECT created from config will come with an orxFRAME to position it in the world (and part of a hierarchy), but even that component isn't mandatory.
orxOBJECTs can be used as well as mere support for musics or SFXs, timeline tracks, etc...
They can also be used as empty nodes to be able to group other objects and apply transformations on all of them at once.
I believe sausage contributed to the community with an inkscape-to-orx tool as well. If you want to check his work, it's here: https://bitbucket.org/orx/inkscapetoorxmesh