android keyboard status

edited May 2013 in Help request
So I've been making my way through the tutorials, and I noticed that there's not really a way to use the virtual keyboard on android right now? android/orxKeyboard provides Init/EventHandler/Exit routines, but there is no way to bring the keyboard up and down...

Since we're not using nativeactivity, we don't have ANativeActivity_showSoftInput. This means we'll need to call Java for this, probably from the main thread. Is there a code guideline on how to add Java functionality right now (in terms of structural flow)?


  • edited May 2013
    I believe I remember lydesik mentioning that his next task was to add keyboard support for Android (I have to do the same on iOS too, actually), not sure what he had in mind though.

    So again, I'm afraid you'll have to wait till next mid-week before getting an answer to that question.
  • edited May 2013
    I filled out the android keyboard stub with keycodes, and some jni functions to show/hide/toggle the soft keyboard. Worked well, but after playing around with it, an issue exposed itself:

    When using a button as a toggle, several calls to InputUpdate/orxInput_IsActive manage to come through between the TouchDown and TouchUp events. Even if you try to click the button as fast as you can.

    I've uploaded the keyboard-related changes into my orx fork. I tried to set up a new pull request for the keyboard files, but bitbucket seems to want to merge it with the one I made for the makefile, whereas I'd like to keep them separate. Is there a way to do that?
  • edited May 2013
    Mmh, Not sure about the pull requests. One way of doing that is probably by going through a named branch that we'll merge with default later on.

    As for the orxInput_IsActive calls, I'm not entirely sure of what you mean.

    Do you also check for orxInput_HasNewStatus() which allows you to know if the input's status just changed this frame?

    The way it works, when using input, is that you can either test for continuous status (useful for long running actions such as moving) or for status switches (useful for toggles).

    IsActive() == true -> the key/button/... is currently pressed (and could have been pressed for an unknown amount of time)

    IsActive() == false -> the key/button/... is *not* currently pressed (and could have been in this state for an unknown amount of time)

    IsActive() == true + HasNewStatus() == true -> the key/button/... has just been pressed this frame

    IsActive() == false + HasNewStatus() == true -> the key/button/... has just been released this frame
  • edited May 2013
    ah.. thanks for catching that, indeed, i was not using HasNewStatus.

    After playing around further, I found that different keys on the soft keyboard behave differently (this is on an old HTC Thunderbolt, default keyboard in 2.3). For example:

    - menu button: continuously sends KeyDown while being held, followed by a single KeyUp once let go. This behavior is well controlled by using IsActive/HasNewStatus combo.

    - letters: instaneously sends Down followed by Up, even if the button is being held.

    - arrows(dpad): waits until the button is let go then sends Down/Up back to back. (Opposite of what letters do)

    The last two are very hard to catch, as the events are sent so close together. If you push the button enough times, eventually it is detected. I looked through orxInput for functions that may deal with this, but nothing caught my eye.

    Some other observations about the Android keyboard:
    Not all characters are available as a single Up/Down combination. Frequently, a button/character, such as " is represented by a nested Down, Down, Up, Up sequence where the outer button is shift, and the inner button is '. There are other scenarios that are possible along these lines as well.
  • edited May 2013
    Wow, that's a lot of discrepancies between keys from the same source. :(

    As for the characters, the keyboard plugins are supposed to report them separately in unicode (UTF-8) format, via the orxKeyboard_ReadString() function. This function abstracts keys entirely as well as locale settings, allowing for text inputs.

    All the separate key presses should be sequentially reported via the orxKeyboard_ReadKey() function, as well as the state query function: orxKeyboard_IsKeyPressed().

    As for the Android specifics, once again I'm afraid we have to wait for lydesik. :)
  • edited May 2013
    Yeah, using the soft keyboard directly is a no-go. As much as I hate the hidden textview solution, it seems to be the only reasonable way. Thanks for the description of the functions, that'll help once I get to implementing username input and such.
  • edited May 2013
    I've just pushed an update to the Keyboard plugin which add support for more KeyCodes.

    I'm not sure we'll be able to implement orxKeyboard_ReadKey(), but ReadString() should be possible.

    Just to make sure how it works...

    The user code needs to call orxKeyboard_ReadString() in an Update() callback, and feed this string to an orxObject to display it.

    When done I need to call orxKeyboard_ClearBuffer().

    We'll probably need to add two orxAndroid_... functions to show and hide the virtual keyboard.

    Any thoughts on this rom?
  • edited May 2013
    I was thinking of going through a config property to show the keyboard on iOS, something like iOS.ShowKeyboard.

    The ClearBuffer() should be called as soon as the user is ready to listen for text inputs, it shouldn't matter after being done as it's typically using a ring buffer internally and not expanding ad infinitum.
  • edited May 2013
    My fork got conflicted with the new changes.. working on cleaning up. I'll comment as soon as I can try it.

    What is the best way to revert to parent or otherwise solve conficts in bitbucket?
  • edited May 2013
    That's more of a Mercurial workflow question than bitbucket, really.

    Not sure in which state you are, but, after pulling, you might either chose to rebase your changes if possible, or simply strip them and start anew from the current version.
  • edited May 2013
    So, i'm trying to sync the bitbucket fork, but failing due to conflicts. Then, on my local machine I try to do 'hg pull' (also tried update) but nothing is pulled in (no changes found). 'hg status' is blank. 'hg rebase' reports nothing to rebase.

    Any advice?
  • edited May 2013
    Not really, I'm sorry.
    I looked at your bitbucket repo but that doesn't reflect your local one.

    Do you use a GUI client for hg? I'd recommend TortoiseHg on Windows and there are a few alternative on other OSes, it usually makes the display of recent commits much more visual.

    If hg status is blank, that means you don't have any local changes. If hg update doesn't do anything, it means you're already at a head revision. You can sync back to any revision with extra parameters to hg update (better look on the mercurial website, I don't know them by heart).

    Worst case scenario, you can run a local hg server (hg serve) and I can sync it locally to see what's going on, after you give me the address.
  • edited May 2013
    Ok, finally got it done. Still not clear on how this situation is supposed to play out, as it seems to be a fairly common one.

    1. I fork orx in bitbucket, clone the fork locally
    2. Make changes, push to fork
    3. Issue pull request
    4. Pull request denied
    5. New changes are committed on top of pull-request code in orx
    6. Now I cannot sync via bitbucket anymore

    What I did to fix it:
    1. locally, hg pull https://bitbucket/orx
    2. hg merge (locally)
    3. hg commit (locally)
    4. hg push (to my fork)

    What I would have like to have done:
    1. Revert fork to main branch, in the process abandoning all of my changes (I have them saved elsewhere)
    2. Update local copy to sync with orx tip

    oh, how i hate source control...
  • edited May 2013
    back on topic, the key mappings look good, though I would have indexed them by orx key codes, rather than android's. The keyboard up down can correspond to (creation if not exist and) gain/loss of input focus on an invisible textbox (which would then persist indefinitely in case it is needed again.. or it could be destroyed when keyboard is closed). If all that needs to be done with textbox is getText() then it should be easy.
  • edited May 2013
    For your source control situation, your resolution is definitely valid.

    Another option would be to pull orx into your local clone, update to that head (not yours), rebase your changes on top of this new head, then push to your fork.

    Another one would be to enable the MQ extension which adds the strip command, strip your own local commits (before or after pulling from orx, doesn't matter), update to orx's head, re-add your changes.

    As for the keyboard, I haven't followed the case closely those last couple of days, so I haven't much to say there. :)
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