I got OrxScroll-ObjectBinding tutorial working with the current branch.
I am probably not doing something right here. Every new project I seem to fight against established file tree.
My deployment is based on XCode default behavior. XCode uses workspace build directory. I then add data files such as INI and images to XCode project. Add two copy build phases. 1st is for INI files directory. 2nd is for data directory.
My setup frequently requires me to change INI file from referencing ../data/ to reference just data/ directory. If this file did not use parent directory (../) I would not have any issue with building code using XCode defaults.
I suspect that build projects expect to put binaries into bin/ directory (I see Visual Studio C++ 32-bit influence in here). Unfortunately I had little success in redirecting XCode to compile into bin and run from it.
Also the tutorials aren't made with application deployment in mind, they simply show some aspect or the other of orx/scroll.
That being said, the only complication with XCode would be when one wants to create a bundle.
If you simply want to create a regular executable, there's no extra copy build steps needed and you shouldn't have any trouble no matter which folder structure you choose.
If you look at Breaktris, for example, my XCode project only has 2 build steps: compile & link (like on any other platform).
When I need an XCode project, I usually reuse an old one that I adapt for my needs (a bit like you'd do with a template).
The /bin organization is actually more of a linux/unix habits, btw. I personally like it, as I can easily separate what is platform-dependent from the rest, but there's no obligation of using a similar approach for your own projects.
For the past couple of months, I have to admit I almost didn't touch XCode at all. I mostly only use Sublime Text 2 for all my edition needs on windows/linux/os x, and use premake to generate makefiles. But again, that's what suits my needs, not something that is forced.
The one thing that could make things a bit easier for XCode users would be to create an orx framework instead of the hearders/libraries couple that are used on every other platforms. However I'm not sure how to create those without XCode (all the packages are created from makefiles on OS X, not from XCode).
Lastly don't forget about the resource module which would simplify all the resource "paths". Most of the tutorials haven't been updated to take advantage of it.