Text and Font wrapping- quick question (hopefully)

edited November 2011 in Help request
Hey there,

I was just wondering how much functionality there is in the text rendering - I've come up to a point where I need text to fit within a box, and so I need text wrapping support. Is there any support for text wrapping with Orx or will I have to roll my own?




  • edited November 2011
    Hi Sean,

    This functionnality is not yet in orx (it was the case few month ago, perhaps this is available now Iarwain ?).

    You have to parse your string and use those functions : orxFont_GetCharacterWidth, orxString_GetFirstCharacterCodePoint, orxString_GetUTF8CharacterLength.

    If you want more help, maybe I can help you, keep me inform.

  • edited November 2011
    Hi Sean,

    As faistoiplaisir said, you'll pretty much have to roll your own.
    The actual text-related features are more focusing on automated localization updates (if a text is using a localized string and/or font, those who'll get instantly updated as soon as you select another language).

    Adding some box wrapping should be pretty straightforward and I'll try to add that soonish in orx, with maybe some flushing support.
  • edited November 2011
    Thanks for that :) Should be fine making our own, just wanted to make sure the functionality didn't already exist.


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