Hi all,
I was wondering if it could be possible to use orx inside a child window in Win32.
I mean I'd like to use it in a control to make previews of animations, view created maps and so on.
I've got an idea but it's a quick and dirty way...my idea is to start a clean orx application and once the "game windows" is displayed I could find the window, build a parent frame and then make the "game windows" as a child of my parent frame.
I'd like to get rid of the console window and use mine instead.
I guess/hope there's a better way to implement that.
Do you have any suggestion?
That'd be nice. I'm no expert in those kind of UI manipulation and I don't know if there's a portable way to do it. If you ever need to communicate with the display plugin in any way, you can use the config system as a non-intrusive communication channel.
As for the console window, you can easily get rid of it by compiling for subsystem = windows, or something like this (don't remember the exact name). There are ways to redirect the standard and error outputs so that you get access to whatever text orx spits.
I'll check the compilation flag and the way the system redirects it's output so I can see logs into a text control of a pseudo map/animation/level/physic/whateverelse editor.
Many thanks
Let me know if you encounter any issue, I'm really looking forward seeing what you get!
I went the opposite direction for my needs: I built a minimalistic level editor made with orx, and I plan on adding more things like animationg editing, for example.
I think that for me it's better to make an editor usin standard controls because the main goal of the editor is to reduce the time spent making configuration files and I don't want to spend a lot of time making configuration files for the editor.
Using standard controls i have standard controls ready to use so it's more quick to create the application and gives me more time to concentrate on features I need (and bug corrections).
I don't promise anything about the editor, I don't have much spare time to spend on projects that are not my daily job...but if I create it I'll share the code so the community can help me to make it to grow and port it to other platforms.
The main problem with the "port" is that I don't know well Qt or Gtk so I don't know how to make the orx window as a child of my frame...I think I will do in the MFC way, may be I can try with .NET too so "mono" people can try to port it.
But for now all this is just a discussion about fried air and nothing else
As a side note, you don't have to write any config if you don't feel like it, orx can be piloted entirely programmatically but you lose a lot of advantages by doing so. A mix is most of the time the best way to go: writing by hand all unique piece of config data and generating programmatically what can be automated (that works great especially for tedious tasks such as sprite sheets and animation).
Anyway good luck and don't hesitate if you have any questions.
The power of the orx library it to use it as data driven library but to get all advantages it needs a way to let the game team to insert data without using the ini file directly.
A graphic wants to design, not to spend time wriniting ini files to test animations and so on.
When I build a new game, I want a base framework that supports a script (I'll use angelscript with your engine) and that has templates (like "Platform game template") that handles all base features of the game and inside the editor I can insert contents and test the game in the orx control.
In that way, as soon as the graphic man can give me sprites, I can build 90% of the game in few hours. Of course the scripts has to be implemented in native code to speedup, but in this way I can see how the game is.
Of course...that's the "dream"...the reality is that now I modified a little part of orx to permit integration with an external message pump and i'm redirecting the console. When done i'll try to embed the orx window into a control and check for side-effects.
Now I have to fix the sizing issues and camera placement.
.NET users, i'm so sorry...that's done in MFC and I think it's more convenient (for me of course) to keep it in MFC.
I'll try to decouple the logic of the editor from the View in order to help future (if any) porting to other platforms.
For now I keep experimenting and when I will get something working I release sources.
I'm pretty sure that if some people want to make a port at some point, they won't have too much trouble going from MFC to WxWidgets.
Looking forward to seeing the next steps.
I don't want to loose time learning too much new things in the same time because that could lead to unconcluded software.
While editing the control I've found that the best thing allow orx window embedding would be to modify the createWindow function in glfw. In one of the structures the function uses as parameter, it could be added a parameter telling that the window must be a child
and an handle to the parent window.
I did not modify it because I want to avoid touching the orx library creating a branch dedicated to editors.
As of now I tried with api hooking of CreateWindowExA but for some damn reason it did not work.
Since I don't have so much time, I took the EnumWindow way to find the orx window and attach it.
A good improvement that orx could do one day is try to go multi-instance.
I mean that it would be nice to enclose all static/global variables into a container structure and allow multiple instances of the engine. It could be used by editors to create more controls with different purposes (anim preview, level preview, gui editor, and so on...).
That would be only for mac, win32 and linux versions of course.
As of now I'm analyzing the layout of the editor and the way to use the ini files.
bye bye
that looks really promising. I hope you have time to work on it. I am not a MFC guy, so I won't be able to help.
I think it'd be totally fine to integrate such a change in the main branch.
I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I've no knowledge in MFC whatsoever.
Mmh I think I see what you want to do, but in this case why not simply using multiple viewports instead? No need to duplicate all the control structures to display different things at once.
Can't wait to see it.
No problem, less help = more time but the editor is something I see as mandatory if more peole are working on a "big" game and those people are not IT geeks.
In few works, it's something I feel I need so I have to complete it.
This week end my gf is out for a fair so...I have 2 days of complete coding to implement the gui to edit the 278 parameters of orx ini files
I think I will not touch orx if I can find a way to avoid it. But if I touch it I'll give you the code to discuss if modifications are needed and if they fits the orx coding concepts.
Multiple viewports?...yes, it could work but what I would is a bit different. For me, the best goal would be to have more separare orx controls placed in different windows.
For example I could have a main orx control to show the scene and place elements and an other second in the animation editor that shows the animation with a play/stop button.
So I have some question about orx viewport management:
The main scene is made of layers objects like in photoshop. That's because it would be nice to have smoething like "background layer", "layer of the land pieces", "layer of pickable objects", "layer of breakable objects", and so on...
After selecting a layer, all objects in that layer can be selected, removed and so on.
What's the best way to select an item with the mouse?
Is there an event that can be used to receive the object instance under the mouse pointer?
If not, should I check for the area of each object and test it with the mouse coords?
For multiple selection I need to draw a semi-transparent rectangle and mark items that are selected.
What's the best method to draw the mark and the rectangle? Scaling an image with 50% alpha would work but would be ugly to see if the image has borders.
May be I can use 3x3 px image made od solid color and stretch it without loosing time with tinsels
that's all for now.
Bye bye
I totally understand, and I guess that shouldn't be too hard to achieve but some plugin dependencies might not work like this. I guess you also have the option of starting more than one process.
You also have the option of not using the surface created by orx but only use orx for rendering to multiple video surfaces (OpenGL textures) and use their content to update your actual visible surface in your editor.
I took the same approach with Scroll/ScrollEd, the level editor I wrote for orx.
There no automated event that does such thing but you can create a user event that does that. To get an object under the mouse cursor, you need to call two functions.
First orxRender_GetWorldPosition(), that will transform the mouse's screen position into world coordinates and return orxFALSE if the mouse is actually not above any viewport.
Then, using that coordinate, you can call orxObject_Pick(). The Z coordinate is used by that function: any object with a Z < at the one you pass to the function won't get considered. If more than one object are found under the position, the one with the closest Z will be returned.
There's an alternate version, orxObject_BoxPick() that does the same thing but using a box instead of a point.
If you want to be pixel perfect, you'll have to test for the actual pixel value of your object at that precise coordinate as the function only tests for the bounding box of objects.
You have a very simple example in code/demo/orxBounce.c.
You need the world coordinate (which also depends on the aspect ratio and the size of viewports), but with the two above functions you won't need to do that manually.
If you want a full rectangle, I'd use a dummy object that has the special texture called 'pixel' in its graphic and scale it appropriately. If you want to write only the perimeter, you can listen to the orxEVENT_TYPE_RENDER for ID = orxRENDER_EVENT_OBJECT_END and when it's your concerned object you can directly issue drawing instruction from the orxDisplay module. That's very similar to how I display the runtime profiler on screen, btw.
I think the two above methods should do the trick, but yes, you can do whichever is easier for you. You can also procedurally create/modify textures on the fly, no need to have them all coming from a file if you don't want that dependency.
Last option: using a shader that you attach to your selected objects on the fly at that will do whatever you want. The shader code can be defined in config. I use this kind of technique for drawing the infinite grid in ScrollEd.
Cheers, have fun and don't hesitate if you have any other question.
I'm still here and I'm writing just to inform you (the community) that:
-I've found a way to embed the orx window into an mfc app (you know that).
-As iarwain indirectly suggested, I've found a way to embed the orx window into a C# .NET app.
-I'm using orx directly from a C# .NET app because I made all 900 DllImport (not fully implemented yet).
-I've found the way to anchor and resize the orx window like a common control.
-I'm going to start with the gui of the editor for orx contents.
As soon as I get something to show I'll post here code/samples and screenshots.
I think I have a pair of modifications to the orx sources to submit to your attention in order to make thinks easier for people that wants to use .NET with orx.dll.
Can we discuss it here (to see if anybody else have suggestions) or it's better to open a new thread?
Bye bye
Nice work! Noob question: wouldn't it be possible to compile a managed C++ version of orx (and adapting some modules such as memory allocation) to easily use with any .NET language, and potentially be a first step toward Xbox support?
Either way is fine by me!
Is there an emoticon with the face of "The Scream" by Munch?
Yes, I think it could be possible but all depends on what you mean with "to easily use with any .NET language".
In .NET you have only "safe" stuff and "unsafe" stuff.
With "safe" we mean managed, no pointers, etc...
With "unsafe" we mean un-managed, pointers and other error-prone stuff that oldschool coders like more.
The entire architecture of orx, for example, is...well...unsafe...completely unsafe!
All non-assembly (assembly in .net is a managed dll) dll's are unsafe and to access them from C# or VB.net you have to use a directive (that's DllImport) and re-declare all signatures of the functions you wanna import in a .net comestible way.
Even data structures needs to be re-declared and you don't have support for unions (that's a part of the thinks I'm goind to discuss about orx modifications).
The C++.net is a bit more flexible.
You can link the dll as in a common c++ app, but you can't access imported functions directly from "safe" functions.
In other words, you need to write a "safe<->unsafe" wrapper.
I've done the C# way (DllImport) because my goal is to write the editor and start developing my games asap.
With the orx wiki pages, codewright and some macro i've built the imports in 2/3 hours and with C# I'm more productive than managed c++.
I don't know the XBox dev. env. so I don't know why you want to modify the orx code.
If the XBox platforms allows unsafe code to run I think we have all we need...if not I think we have to rewrite a lot of stuff in orx to recompile it as a "safe" .net library.
I don't know the precise requirements for publishing on XBLIG/XBLA and I'm personally not interested by that aspect. I simply assumed a plain malloc/dlmalloc would probably not let you pass the TRCs.
Alastriona began to wrap orx for .NET. The branch's still there and probably largely outdated. If you're curious you can have a look at it: https://orx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/orx/branches/mORX/
I know for sure that native C/C++ code is allowed on XBox using the XDK for approved developers as I've done that for years.
However I don't know if unsafe code is allowed for XBLA/XBLIG markets using the XNA framework available for indies.
I took a look ar morx. Yes, it seems outdated and incomplete but it's a good starting point for future developments.
For now all I want is to let artists to fill my ini files without writing a single ini section and to be able to preview all animations and levels before writing a single line of code.
When i'll reach this goal, i can think about the rest
I have a problem with resizing.
When I load the application and I start the Orx engine, I "capture" the window an force it to be child of my control. That's works, even if I'd prefer a API hook way (but it does not work ).
After child-ing the orx window I used a c# translated version of gray's tutorial and so:
orxControl.CurrentViewport = OrxNative.orxViewport_CreateFromConfig("Viewport");
OrxNative.orxSTATUS st = OrxNative.orxConfig_Load("StaticScene.ini");
IntPtr obj = OrxNative.orxObject_CreateFromConfig("Scene");
Since I've set orxControl anchors, when I resize the main window I resize the orxControl and it's child (the orx original window).
The OOW (original orx window) has a relative position of 0,0 and variable width and height.
After loading the viewport, camera and scene, It's diplayed but as soon as I resize the window, the scene moves as it had a bottom-left anchor.
I mean if i resize using the main window left resize-handles, and i reduce the size moving the mouse to the right, the entire scene moves to right, disappearing on the right border of the OOW.
What I want id to maintain my scene at the center.
In GLFW there's a function to modify the size of the window. It's _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize and is an internal function and it does the same things I'm doing to modify the window.
It is called by glfwSetWindowSize.
What is missing is a call from the plugin.
The similar function glfwGetWindowSize is called by orxDisplay_GLFW_SetVideoMode.
I'd like to modify plugin functions in order to pass a HWND as parent for the created window. This value could be an unsigned int64 (64 bit ready) that will be used only by plugins that knows it's meaning.
In this way I can avoid to "capture" the orx window in the way I'm doing now.
Then I'd like to add a orxDisplay_SetWindowSize that updated all variables needed to avoid clipping. Now the resized window clips the viewport.
Do you have suggestions? I tried to add a plugin function but with no luck.
Later I'll try to spend more time on this.
The second problem is that the viewport needs to have its size updated to that the rendering is adapted to the new window. This is pretty easy and you have all the accessors you need in the viewport module.
I'll look into adding resize support. I know I'll have to recreate the GL texture associated with the screen at the right size but I also need to look at the code in GLFW to see if there's any GL context re-creation going on. If so, I'll need to backup/restore all the textures/shaders as it's done in the SetVideoMode() function.
I'll also need to make sure the SFML & SDL plugin will compile but I don't think I'll support that feature for now in the associated plugins.
I discovered that the first time I tried to change the video mode
As of now I implemented a orxDisplay_SetWindowSize into the GLFW module and it's working. It just calls glfwSetWindowSize.
I tried to modify the viewport according to the size of the orx window.
I can place it inside the orx window but the problem is that it's contents are clipped by what seems to be an invisible window linked to the bottom left of the orx window.
For example i have a orx window of 1024x768 and I place a 800x600 viewport in the middle od the orx window.
I can move the viewport up/down/left/right and it's contents are alway in the same relative place.
If I change the orx window size to a 1024x1200 using the bottom resize handle, I see contents in the viewport moving and disappearing into the bottom edge of the viewport.
If I reduce the dimension, the contents of the viewports diappear at some point...but not the top edge of the viewport.
Contents are clipped in the middle of the viewport.
I try to find a good way to pass a handle to the window creation function so I'll stop "capturing" the window in such strongly platform dependant way and we can do the same on other platforms.
Don't forget to update the plugin's internal metrics (in sstDisplay) otherwise it's unlikely that rendering will happen at the right position.
One of the easiest solution would be to store it in config in the Display section and read its value there from the GLFW display plugin.
orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxDisplay_GLFW_SetScreenSize(orxFLOAT _fWidth, orxFLOAT _fHeight)
/* Checks */
/* Gets size */
sstDisplay.pstScreen->fWidth = _fWidth;
sstDisplay.pstScreen->fHeight = _fHeight;
glfwSetWindowSize((int)_fWidth, (int)_fHeight);
/* Done! */
return eResult;
And then added all entries for plugin handling.
I guess that's not enought because of things you said about the gl texture to recreate.
As of now I keep this version of the function waiting for your version, because I'm not an opengl geek and there's a lot of stuff to complete for the editor.
I leave you with a little screenshot of the editor:
Since it's "an orx contents editor" (an o.c.e.) i named it Ocean.
Ocean looks promising. I like the name too!
EDIT: And add a AllowResize mode (+events) so that users can use the windows handle to resize.
Tell me when you have any news and I'll test asap. If you need an Ocean WIP release to test with your code I can send you but there are other 2 mods you need to implement before running the Ocean editor.
The first is to add 3 inline functions into orx.h.
They are needed to update orx engine from an application message pump. Another way would be to process messages when receiving events from orx but I like to have more oppotunities
Another mod I've done is to add a new compiler flag to change the orxFASTCALL define. The .Net DllImport directive works only with cdecl and stdcall so that's what I've done at line 198 of orxDecl:
In this way I can keep a consistent INLINE define and use the cdecl to import into .net.
If you (iarwain & the community) have any suggestions...well, they are well accepted
Unfortunately I fell asleep before touching the computer last night so I might not have the opportunity to do it before Sunday now (my older daughter's birthday is coming at the end of the week and there are many things left to be done before then).
I'll be happy to try the WIP of Ocean.
Mmh, I'm not sure I fully understand that but I guess I'll understand it more when looking at your code. By the way, everything in orx.h is optional. Those are only helpers so feel free to write your own loop/sequencing on your side, no need to add it to orx.h.
I have a question about this one, wouldn't it better to have a __orxDOTNET__ instead, in which you can do all the adjustments you need? Also currently your define's name is misleading: you're using cdecl and not stdcall as the name is suggesting.
I don't know the requirements for DllImport, but cdecl will generate a bigger/slower code than stdcall. It probably doesn't matter much for an editor but I thought I'd point it out.
I just did!
I'll let you know when I get the time to do the resize.
Yes, maybe you're right about the define name but:
orxFAST_CALL_AS_CDECL means the user must know what his language needs and make proper choices.
orxDOTNET meand orx must know about the existence of .net.
For me is the same, the only .net limitation i see is about the call conventions.
I know cdecl is slower, but as you said, on an editor and on a fast pc no-one will notice that
So happy birthday to your daughter. I have so many things to make that I can live without resizing for a while I still have to implement editors for all animations, graphics, bodies and so on...
bye bye
I totally agree but it's very similar to the existing __orxWINDOWS__, __orxFREEBASIC__, __orxIPHONE__, etc. The knowledge concerning the calling conventions and the types are in one place in this case. Whereas in your case the user has to know what those are for each platform.
But I got some time tonight anyway so the resize is in. You simply have to call orxDisplay_SetVideoMode() and if the mode are compatible (ie. we're in windowed mode and the depth doesn't change) the window will be resized instead of deleted/recreated.
I also added AllowResize in the Display config section to allow user-controlled resize using the window's handles.
Lastly, the viewport are listening for the SetVideoMode event and will resize automatically if they're linked to the screen (ie. no texture bound).
Let me know if this works for you.
Thank you very much!
Is it in SVN?
EDIT : I saw it. I'm gonna test on Ocean
Now I have to solve a little problem about window messages and I think I can start the Ocean<->Orx iteraction functions.
As of now, after forcing the orx window to be a child of a control, the orx window doen't receive window messages.
I have to investigate more but I guess/hope it's a silly problem.
Thank you for the modification!
I've done a modification in orx code and glfw code to allow creating an orx child window.
The parent handle can be read from a ParentHandle value in the Display section of the main ini file.
I attach the code of plugind+include+src folders of orx and the full folder of glfw.
Modifications are tagged with a comment "// AINVAR" so you can search for that comment. I commented the original code.
For now it seems to work. https://forum.orx-project.org/uploads/legacy/fbfiles/files/orx_1.zip
If you're using TortoiseSVN as a windows client, simply right-click on the orx folder and select TortoiseSVN->Create patch.
Then you can select which modified files you want to include in the patch and it'll generate a patch that will only contain the changes you made.
I have problems to understand how I should use that.
I have created a RectangularSelection object using a 1x1 pixel image.
If I call orxObject_GetBoundingBox of RectangularSelection and use that obox with orxObject_BoxPick the returned object is RectangularSelection. That's ok.
How can modify the obox to make orxObject_BoxPick to find other objects?
Another question about Z coords...where are positive Z? near me or behind my monitor?
I'm not sure what you mean with your question but here are the two answers I can think of.
You can extend the 2D area under which you want to do picking by modifying your box either directly (it's a public structure) or by using the orxOBox_2DSet() function.
If you want to object 'behind' the first one returned, simply move your box a bit deeper. Or you can also use the Create/DeleteNeighborList to build a list of objects whose box intersect yours.
The world is right-handed, X goes right, Y goes down and Z goes away from the camera, into your monitor.
news from the editor:
-It's possible to insert multiple elements into the "world".
-It's possible to select objects and move them inside the world.
-Objects are created in the editor with few clicks and the hierarchy is supported.
-It's possible to save and load scenes.
-It's possible to edit multiple scenes and for each scene there can be multiple layers.
-The layer controls the Z coordinate of objects (but for each object in a layer it will be possible to change the default Z coord.)
Well, the editor is far from being stable because i changed the way files are stored and I had to modify a lot of stuff.
Before I was using binary files but now I load/save custom ini files (custom because for each object there's one field that help me to reconstruct the class when loading).
Now that I'm working with ini files i'd like to try to use the orxConfig_* functions to load/save the contents of the scenes, updating the contents in memory.
As of now, when an object is modified, I save the ini files and force orx to reload the configuration.
That's slow and it's not the "right" way.
I'd like to substitute my ini functions with calls to the opxConfig_* functions to add/remove/modify sections in orx engine's memory.
Where can I find a good example about orxConfig_* functions?
Nice to see your progress! As for an example of using the orxConfig API, I don't think I have better than ScrollEd.
I know that I added some functions for EyeCreate's Pey editor, so maybe you can contact him via the forum and ask him about that.
Now Ocean uses the orxConfig functions when editing and the old ini management for saving/loading the project files.
Now I need to find the origin of some bugs and work a lot on the user interface.
Yesterday night I was able to build the first "level" with different objects and load/save it.
As soon as I started to compose the level I saw the first limits of the current interface. I mean that things could be done faster...
But for now it's a good start.
Alpha channel?
I tried orxObject_Enable but it does not seem to do what I need.
EDIT: orxObject_Enable works, it's just the coder that is not working
With orxObject_Enable() you'll completely deactivate the object though, not only its rendering.
If you want to simply hide it (but still keeping the other aspects of your object functional), you can apply an alpha of 0, as you said, or you can also move its Z coordinate outside of the camera frustum or even, more clean and more efficient, listen to the orxRENDER_EVENT_OBJECT_START and when you receive it for your object, simply return orxSTATUS_FAILURE which will abort rendering for it.
Looking forward to seeing more about Ocean, it looks like it's progressing pretty fast.
I modified a bit the user interface to make things easier.
Here's a screenshot.
Your screenshot look really nice, it seems it's a really good starting point.
Is it possible to test something ? Even if it's not really functionnal, just because I'm curious ... ^^
Perhaps, in the future, when I have time and if you want, I could help you on that project. I don't promise something, but I'm interrested, for me, the only one problem is the time ... like you and a lot of people
I have nothing ready to test because I had not much time to end few parts of the editor.
I don't have a running executable in this moment because I'm doing an heavy modification and it's not yet ended
This w.e. I think I'll fix few major bugs and put the last features I need to consider to release a beta of beta version.
I will appreciate the help of anyone who wants to spend time on this project.
As soon as I have something usable i'll release all the sources and executables.
Before that, I have to clean a bit the code and discuss with iarwain (and then release ) about all modifications i've done to the engine (nothing really dramatic).
Stay tuned!
I you want some help on your project, a good idea will be to host your project in a source control system (when your first release will be done) !
I'll continue to inform you about Ocean on the specified thread.