iOS splash screen disappears too fast

I tried to add a splash screen to my iOS game that would hide the blank screen shown while the resources are loaded for the title screen. In Xcode, you add a splash screen by adding default.png and [email protected] (hi-res) to the Resources folder.

The splash screen does appear, but disappears almost immediately and shows the blank screen I'm trying to avoid.

I should be able to solve it in Orx by loading the splash screen and displaying it before doing anything else. That's probably a better overall solution to a cross-platform splash screen anyway.

It'd just be nice if the built-in iOS splash screen functionality worked well, since it'd make for faster prototyping :)


  • edited July 2012
    I didn't even know that iOS feature, to be honest. :)

    I'll try to look into it at some point but right now I don't really often have an easy access to a mac so I'd suggest to handle the splash yourself. :)
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