Hi Everyone,
First of all, it feels nice to post on the Orx forums after a long break. I hope you're all doing well.
Diving right into the issue: I've recently started using the orxDisplay_DrawMesh function, and it has been working perfectly in Linux. Now, I've tried porting a project using the function to Android, and I observe some issues related to the texture coordinates.
What I do is: while handling the rendering of an object with a texture, I try to draw a triangle to the upper left corner of the screen, and the triangle spans the texture coordinates from 0.0 to 1.0 in both the U and V axes. Just to be sure that the object does indeed have a valid texture, I also return orxSTATUS_SUCCESS from the handler, in order to see the object itself too.
With this very simple setup, I observe the expected result under Linux, where I have the textured object in the middle of the screen, and also the correctly textured triangle at the upper left corner of the screen. When I try the same in Android, the result is the same except that the triangle is uniformly colored. I've observed that the color that the triangle assumes is exactly the pixel at the lower right corner of the texture. I would like to stress that I do observe the correct texture on the object.
Here's what I see in Linux (left) vs. in Android (right)
Here's the rendering event handler:
orxBOOL OnRender(orxRENDER_EVENT_OBJECT_PAYLOAD *_pstPayload){
const orxBITMAP * _pstBitmap = orxTexture_GetBitmap(orxTEXTURE(orxGraphic_GetData(orxOBJECT_GET_STRUCTURE(GetOrxObject(), GRAPHIC))));
vector<orxDISPLAY_VERTEX> astVertexList;
astVertexList.push_back({0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,orx2RGBA(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)});
astVertexList.push_back({100.0,0.0,1,0.0,orx2RGBA(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)});
astVertexList.push_back({100.0,100.0,1,1,orx2RGBA(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)});
orxDisplay_DrawMesh(_pstBitmap, orxDISPLAY_SMOOTHING_ON, orxDISPLAY_BLEND_MODE_ALPHA, astVertexList.size(), astVertexList.data());
Note that I'm using the latest Orx version from the Mercurial repository.
I tried to dive into the source code and catch some place where the texture coordinates are set to constant values but I got lost in the code.
Thanks in advance!
As for your question, I'll let lydesik/faistoiplaisir handle this, they're much more familiar with the Android code than me.
After fixing it, everything looks normal on iOS. I noticed that the Android version was suffering from the same copy/paste bug, so I fixed it but I have no ways to test it.
If you sync the latest, lemme know if you still have the problem.
I've retried the same setup and now it works on Android too, you're the best!