hi, where is __orxBITMAP_t defined?

edited May 2013 in Help request
hi :

just as the title says, which file define the struct "__orxBITMAP_t"?


  • edited May 2013

    the orxBITMAP type is supposed to be opaque.

    It's actually one of the very few types that is platform-dependent. Each display plugin defines its own implementation, and only the display plugin is allowed to access it.
    So you'll find them in code/plugins/display/<platform>/orxDisplay.c|cpp|m

    So if you look at the GLFW implementation, here's the orxBITMAP structure defined there:
    /** Internal bitmap structure
    struct __orxBITMAP_t
      GLuint                    uiTexture;
      orxBOOL                   bSmoothing;
      orxFLOAT                  fWidth, fHeight;
      orxAABOX                  stClip;
      orxU32                    u32RealWidth, u32RealHeight, u32Depth;
      orxFLOAT                  fRecRealWidth, fRecRealHeight;
      orxRGBA                   stColor;
  • edited May 2013
    ok,i got it. thank you very much.
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