OS X application without console window

edited May 2013 in Help request
How would one deploy an orx OS X application without a console window?

Every example I see opens console window and then it opens GUI window. I don't mind console window as I use a lot of orxLOG calls to understand what's going on. However, it is obviously an issue for real deployment.

I always create orx applications in XCode using "Command Line Tool" option in new project wizard. I thought of trying Cocoa application option.


  • edited May 2013
    I believe the only way to do that is by creating an application bundle.
    I haven't read all the doc for this, but that's what I garnered from internet. More info on that would be appreciated. :)
  • edited May 2013
    I managed to make a small experiment and confirmed that creating application bundle will result in removal of console window.

    Wiki link:

    OS X Application Bundle with ORX
  • edited May 2013
    Nice, thanks for the info!

    Support for VS2012 has recently been added to premake, I should sync their repo and updated orx's version so that we get that support as well.

    There's also support for XCode4, however I can't say anything about the quality of the generated project file as I don't have XCode4 myself: actions for XCode are xcode3 and xcode4.
  • edited May 2013
    You might also want to update this tutorial if there are some newer more relevant information, including how bundles should be organized.
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