box2d assert when there is not a physics section.

I think I had mention the problem before.But I found why.
box2d assert when there is not a physics section.
But we should could be no physics section config when we just don't need physics.
Maybe it's a physics module init problem in orx.

assert 10.9K


  • edited June 2010
    Which version are you using?
    1.2 should have default values for all the physics parameters if they are not defined manually. I'm not sure when I did that though, I'll check soon.

    I'll make sure you won't encounter this issue in the next release.
  • edited June 2010
    release 1.1.I could just use 1.1 in win32. 1.2 in svn have some problem when I got it.I'm waiting your 1.2release to port to.
  • edited June 2010
    It's weird you're getting issues with the current svn version, I've tried it on 2 different computers, syncing from scratch and compiling the msvs2008 projects for both SFML and SDL plugins without any problem.

    Anyway, 1.2 should come very soon now. :)
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